I have started blogging book reviews. To keep it from cluttering my regular blog, I have started yet another blogspot blog URL. My first review is of Harry G. Frankfurt's On Bullshit.
It's my Dad's birthday today. My dad is Jack Haeger, former Chair of the English Department at San Jose State University. He's now retired and spends his time playing bridge and goofing around in Baja, where he and his wife have a condo. Happy birthday, Dad!
This one continues to fascinate me: Is the Homo floresensis find actually a new species of human, or a merely a diminutive H. sapiens sapiens?
Carl Zimmer's blog entry on this sheds some light, with a translated article from the Indonesian press, and further enrichment provided in the reader comments.
Zimmer's blogs on this subject are very thorough, so I'll leave the rest to him.